Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie Review

When waving, one goes through many different stages. Your hair will grow to various lengths and proper product selection is very important throughout your process. As I grow my hair out between haircuts it starts to curl on its own so maintaining my waves isn't such a daunting task at all. Going the extra mile never hurt either so having a good supply of curl enhancing products in my arsenal is a must. Today I will be reviewing one such product. Coconut and Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie by the company Shea Moisture.
I purhased a generous supply of this stuff from a local walgreens for 10usd.  12oz to be exact. Definitely a great value product per penny. That's always a plus.
This is an all natural product that claims a lot but has the natural ingredients to substantiate that. Coconut oil, Silk Protein, and Neem Oil are the most heavily promoted of them. The label is full of all types of information on the history of the company, no this no that in regards to animal testing and what not. Even gives a LOT number. Pretty serious labeling if you ask me. Forget all that though, does this stuff work? Let's get to that.
The first thing I do anytime I buy a product for my hair is smell it. Force of habit. This has a strikingly familiar smell. I can't put my finger on it but I've definitely smelled something very similar. It smells pretty good. Like a Piña Colada come to think of it. It looks just like whipped shea butter if you've ever seen that. It has ath same consistency as well. Directions say to apply to damp or styled hair. That pretty much means throw it on anyway you see fit. In that case I just used used it how I would use any other curl enhancing product. I wet my hair and apply a decent amount thoroughly while shaking my hair around until its curls all the way . Then I use my hot rag method so that my hair is nice and soft and curly. VERY curly. This stuff does curl my hair up quite a bit. Once my hair is soft I medium and soft brush the waves in. I do notice a slight bit of frizz in my hair as I brush, quite common with all natural products. About a nickel sized amount of product smoothed over my brushed hair to lay it all back down nice resolved that issue though. Finally I throw my durag on for several hours.
When I take of the durag, usually after having worn it overnight, my hair isn't as shiny as it is with other products I have tried in the past. When I brush it with a medium/soft brush I notice that it is still very soft and u can really see the brush laying the curls down. That's a telltale sign of soft conditioned hair. I use the product several times during the week and it works well with the other products that I use for my methods. I wash my hair twice a week or every four days to keep product buildup at a useable level for wave development and sculpting. This products works fine for that.
This product should last me a long time because I only use it for the last few weeks out that I'm growing my hair. I could use it all the time, but I vary my products throughout my wave cycle to try new things so I can consistently provide information via my reviews. When I find a product that works well I continue to use and repurchase it. I would have no problem buying more of this. It serves its purpose, can be applied in different ways, is natural, and a great value.
Overall the product is labeled as a Curl Enhancing Smoothie and it does curl the hair well and leaves it soft and smooth. You won't get any real shine from using this so if that's what your going for then another product should be on your list. Waves do come from curls however, so if used in conjunction with other products this can be a great asset to those who have issues with wave development. I definitely recommend you give it a try.
For this review Shea Moistures' Curl Enhancing Smoothie receieves 3 out of a possible 5.
All products I review will be considered for product of the year in December
Follow @drmanhattan718 on twitter for daily tips and info on waves.


  1. I am trying to find seasick pomade or a product on that level..any suggestions?

  2. Can I use auntie Jackie's curl la la

  3. use Murrays once after one or two days of brushing. Whash it out and put in the curl enhancing smoothie
